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Economists Association conference in Moldova

Ekonomistu apvienība no 4. līdz 8. Novembrim aizvadīja izbraukuma konferenci Moldovā. Izbraukuma konference ietvaros tika pārrunātas abu valstu situācija pēc Krievijas agresīvā iebrukuma Ukrainā, kā arī iespējamie scenāriji savstarpējo attiecību
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About Us

Working group for Latvia’s long-term economic development program was established in January 1992. The purpose of this group was to explain economic reforms and to lay out implementation steps for these reforms. It was also deemed important to collect and codify the opinions of entrepreneurs, consumers, producers and politicians concerning the economic development of Latvia.

The authors of the Draft Economic Program: Model Latvia – 2010 aimed to establish an organization that would promote the economic ideas developed within this project.

Latvian Economists Association 2010 was founded in October 18, 1994. The main objectives of the organization are Latvias economic development for the long term and its integration in European and world institutions.

The organization was established with the purpose to promote economic thinking and long-term economic development of Latvia.
The primary aims of the Association are:
Promotion of continuous development of Latvias economic, and its integration into European and world institutions;
Organization of think–talk and economic discussion;
Development and implementation of economic program;
Organization and promotion of economic education and research;