Investing in Concrete or People?

Latvian Economists association: Research: Investing in Concrete or People? EU Funds, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and Developing Human Capital in Latvia. Executive Summary in English

Changing the global economy to the green and digital model will have a significant impact on people’s lives, inevitably requiring new skills and retraining. The aim of this research paper is to encourage the Latvian public to think and act, and the public sector to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and compare it to best practice in other relevant countries. The financial resources made available by the European Union should be invested in a forward-looking development of Latvia’s human capital.

Authors: Uldis Spuriņš, Elmārs Kehris, Roberts Mencis, Daunis Auers
This research and event was organized by the ECR Party (

Executive Summary in English
Investing in Concrete or People

Full version in Latvian available:

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